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MyID app Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
  • The Vault Access Code is collected when the application is first opened. Why?

    • This is used if the biometrics fail on your device. If someone has access to your phone, a different Vault Access Code will protect your personal information. It should be at least 5 digits long and private to you 


  • When I click Zoom it says I don’t have my passport

    • To start you should populate the fields on the first two tabs, and then switch to ID docs tab. From here select pictures (clear and fresh) of your Passport and/or Driving Licence. Also enter the associated information on numbers and expiry dates. Once completed the documents are internally assessed/checked on switching between tabs like Sharing and ID docs. It can take a few minutes before they will be recognised on the home screen


  • I don’t see my ID picture on the home screen

    • If the picture is non-clear you can do a close-up shot of your face and bottom part of the machine readable part of the main passport - use this in the first image entry, and retry. Alternatively take a photo of the upright frontpiece if you have a recent UK passport


  • I am using my frontpiece passport, but see an ID picture but it’s in colour and on it’s side

    • You can rotate the picture by tapping on it. If you also shut the app down from memory, and re-load, it may pickup the larger picture in the passport. Alternatively you can take another photo of this page more close-up to the headshot and the passport number 


  • My driving license (or passport) photo is sideways on the home screen

    • You can orientate it by tapping the headshot, and it turns 90 degrees each time


  • How do I use the QR code?

    • Someone confirming your age can use their device or phone to scan the QR code - this will reflect the sharing information settings you’ve selected on sharing options. They should also check your face matches the ID - you can flash up a passport or driving licence with the Zoom button on the main screen. You can also inspect the QR code by tapping on it


  • I don’t get a gold pointer confirming Passport or Driving licence on the home screen

    • Check your details match the details shown on the preferred ID. If they don’t then that could be the issue - e.g. input your passport number or driving licence number. Also basic details like expiry dates and date of birth etc need to match

    • Similarly the photos need to be of sufficient quality to be easily readable by the phone and the person inspecting your ID


  • I want to reset my consent setting in the Ad-version - how do I do this?

    • Go to ID docs tab, scroll page down to the App details (EULA/Privacy policy etc). The last option in this sections requests a reset - simply tap on this, and then close the app from memory. On reload it will prompt you early for the revised consent


  • Does it run on my Macbook Pro? Are Apple silicon Macs supported?

    • Yes,, bioth iPads and Apple Silicon Macs are supported. There should be no layout issues on the latest versions of MyID but if you do experience issues first check you have the latest version installed, and secondly  if there are issues please let us know. You can also try adjusting the screen view to to be more iphone-shaped

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